Thursday, February 16, 2012

Principles of Knitting has arrived!

I got to work from home today and I went out to get the mail and I had a package from Amazon.  I did not remember ordering anything recently and then it dawned on me as I opened the box that my pre-ordered Principles of Knitting was inside!   I felt like a little kid with a new toy!!  My excitement could barely be contained!  That book is a must read for every knitter.  There were cast on's in that book I had never heard of.  What a valuable resource.  I have been chomping at the bit for at least a year maybe two since I heard that it was being re-done.  I have always known it was a valuable resource but the out of print copies were going for anywhere from $200 to almost $400 per copy.  A little bit out of my price range (smirk).

I have been very busy but my needles have not been still!  I submitted 3 design ideas to a magazine and I have been trying to finish gifts and knit a little bit on other designs in my head.

I promise I will write sooner!